Products for limb rehabilitation

Products for limb rehabilitation

4 March 2021

Fisiotech rehabilitation range offers not only parallel bars and gait rehabilitation staircases but also items that allow the strengthening of upper and lower limb muscles.
Today we are pleased to introduce some of these products, all made in Italy, such as the rehabilitation armchair and the shoulder wheels.

Rehabilitation armchair

Fisiotech rehabilitation armchair the patient can carry out a wide range of exercises for upper and lower limbs in sitting or in lying position thanks to its backrest, which is adjustable from 0° to 90° with gas spring.
The barbell can be used on both sides with up to 14 kg of cast iron disks (supplied) for a gradual and safe rehabilitation. Several adjustments available for a maximum flexibility of exercises.

Shoulder wheel

For the perfect rehabilitation of shoulders and elbow, Fisiotech proposes its shoulder wheels with powder-coated steel structure and chrome-plated sliding parts, available both in wall-mounted version (see picture) or in version with base.
Fisiotech shoulder wheels are adjustable in height and have knobs to adjust the intensity of the effort and the width of the movement to make the exercise completely customized.

Ergotherapy board

The ergotherapy board is wall-mountable and has nine elements such as light bulb, latch and switch, designed to simulate any everyday activity the patient may have to carry out.

Rehabilitation spirals

For wrist and finger rehabilitation, horizontal and vertical spirals are available as well, worm screws and hand rehabilitation ladders. These products are a useful addition to the upper limb rehabilitation.

For further information on our limb rehabilitation products feel free to send us an email to or to call us at 0039 0438 470342 or 0039 342 9373022.